By Fire Safety Expert on Thursday, 01 March 2018
Category: General

Spring Fire Safety Checklist

Spring Fire Safety Checklist

As a condominium owner in Chicago, it is very important to stay updated on the latest fire safety regulations and to ensure your building is safe. One way to do that is by making sure all your fire safety precautions are in place and working as they should every so often. Since spring is just around the corner, it’s time to do a fire safety check up on your condo. Make sure that your rental property in Chicago is prepared and fire safe with these areas in place.

Check Smoke Detectors

Remind all your tenants to replace batteries in the smoke detectors in their condo. You can also have your property maintenance company do this on a regular basis so your tenant doesn’t have to worry about it. Also, ensure that all the smoke detectors throughout the building itself have been checked and that they are in working order.


While you’re checking the building for fire safety measures, be sure that you have your extinguishers checked and maintained. They need regular maintenance to ensure that if they are ever needed that they will work properly and do the job. It’s important that they are checked at least once a year and are updated/replaced when needed.

Emergency Lighting Checks

This part of your fire safety equipment should be checked at least once a year as well. These need to be thoroughly inspected and maintained to ensure that they are in good working order.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Do not forget to check these detectors in the homes as well. As part of your property management in Chicago plan, you can change out the batteries, replace broken units, and inspect to make sure that the products are working as they should.

Part of being a responsible investment property owner in Chicago is making sure that your fire equipment is in updated and maintained working order. Keep this checklist handy as you get ready for spring and give your tenants peace of mind that they are safe in their home.

If you need help performing a fire safety review of your property please contact us to learn how we can help!