By Fire Safety Expert on Monday, 02 July 2018
Category: General

What is a Fire Safety Inventory Report and Why Do You Need One?

What is a Fire Safety Inventory Report and Why Do You Need One?

When it comes to fire safety of your Chicago property, you want to know that everything is under control. As a property investor or as a homeowner’s association board member, one tool at your disposal is an inventory report. This report can assist you in making sure you keep track of all prior work done, the safety equipment installed at your property, and what needs to be done before the fire inspection takes place.

What is an Inventory Report?

This report is a tool utilized by the talented and trained professionals at Connected Fire to make sure every fire safety aspect of your building is taken care of. It is the master document that records every piece of equipment you have on site, what maintenance has been done, parts that need to be ordered, and when the last service was performed. It is also a record of when any equipment was replaced or repaired and when it should be checked again.

Why Is This Necessary?

One of the main reasons is that you as the owner or manager have to secure the fire safety of all your Chicago residents. You have to make sure your building is up to the current Chicago fire code and that your tenants are protected should a fire ever break out.

Not only is it important to support future fire inspections, it is also key if you ever face a lawsuit. This document is crucial in proving that you have maintained all fire extinguishers and other safety equipment properly. For example, if a fire broke out and someone was injured, you need proof showing that your building has been maintained properly to give yourself protection.

Working with a team that takes care of all your Chicago fire safety needs is important to make sure your tenants can rest easy and your assets are covered. Be sure to contact an experienced team to help you make sure your building is in tip-top shape when it comes to fire safety. You will be glad you did when you face your regular fire inspection so that you know things are in good working order.

Fire Safety Company

When it comes to keeping the safety of your Chicago tenants in mind, fire safety should be at the forefront. Not only do you need to make sure that portable fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are properly installed throughout the premises, you also have to make sure that appropriate emergency lightning exists throughout the common egress areas.

Keeping up with the Chicago fire safety regulations can be quite overwhelming. That’s why it is important that you consider hiring a company such as Connected Fire Safety to assist you in making sure that everything is covered.