By Fire Safety Expert on Friday, 03 August 2018
Category: General

How to Create a Fire Safety Plan

How to Create a Fire Safety Plan

Whether you have children or not, it’s important to have a fire safety plan in place at all times. Living in a Chicago condominium can give you a few obstacles that a single-family home would not. That is why it is very important to keep your fire safety knowledge in Chicago up to date and a plan in place at all times.

Here are a few ways to keep you safe and sound from a fire breaking out and what to do if it ever does.

What is a Fire Safety Plan?

This plan is one that you and your Chicago condo owner will have worked on. They will have a plan in place to show you the proper way to exit the building, they have met the Chicago fire safety codes, and they have a variety of alarms and fire extinguishers in place should a fire break out.

Your part of the fire safety plan is knowing your exit strategy, knowing where the extinguishers are, and making sure your family practices a fire drill on a regular basis. This will help you and your family to reach safety in the unfortunate event a fire breaks out.

What Should be Part of Your Plan?

There are a few things to keep in mind as part of your fire safety plan in Chicago. Check out these tips below and make sure you have implemented them:

Items Your Landlord is Responsible For

As an apartment tenant, your property management team is responsible for a variety of fire safety items in your condo. Some of those include:

Having a fire safety management team such as Connected Fire Safety can help both tenants and property management teams. Contact them today to make sure your Chicago fire safety plan is in place before disaster strikes.