
Updating Your Fire Safety Protocols: What You Need to Know

When you own a business, it is important to review your Chicago fire safety protocols on a regular basis. The property needs to be up to date with all fire safety needs as well as employees understanding how to act in the event of a fire. Updating your protocols every year will ensure that your business remains intact if a fire were to occur.

Fire Safety Equipment

Take time to review the fire safety equipment of your property to ensure that all aspects are up to code as well as operational. This will include smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, exit signs, alarms, and sprinkler systems. Have a list of every component of fire safety equipment you have. Keep this list handy so you can check off items every time you review your equipment and ensure all components are operational.

If you come across any issues, take care of them immediately. For example, if you find a smoke detector is not working and needs new batteries, replace them then and there. This way, you know the smoke detector will work in the event of a fire. Chicago fire safety protocols require smoke detectors in several spaces throughout your business so all employees will be warned during a fire.

These components will also be reviewed during a fire safety inspection, so doing your own inspection ensures you are ready when the fire department shows up for your review. It is essentially a win-win situation! Your property is ready for inspection and your employees and customers are better protected from harm.

Employee Meetings

It is also essential that every employee of your business has a solid understanding of fire safety protocols. New employees should be trained on the fire safety needs of the business upon hiring. Take for example if you operate a restaurant. They need to understand the fire safety hazards of equipment and how to properly put out a fire based on certain scenarios.

Employees must be aware of fire alarm locations as well as fire extinguishers and an exit plan. Having a list of items to discuss with employees will ensure that they are educated on the potential risks and know what to do if a fire were to occur.

Have regular meetings every few months with employees to go over fire protocols. If a fire does occur, use it as a teaching tool once the flames have been put out. It has been proven that with regular communication and fire safety drills, individuals react first instead of panicking during a fire. As you have regular meetings with your employees, they will be able to react in the proper way, saving themselves as well as others in the process.

If you own a business, take time to review your Chicago fire safety protocols. The time you invest in fire safety only helps to ensure the safety of employees, patrons and your property. Update your fire safety equipment as needed to pass inspections and create a safe environment within your business.