By Fire Safety Expert on Wednesday, 01 April 2020
Category: General

How to Prevent False Fire Alarms within Your Business

How to Prevent False Fire Alarms within Your Business

When it comes to businesses and Chicago fire safety protocols, fire alarms essential to ensuring employees and consumers are able to evacuate the property in a timely manner. Fire alarms come in all types, from smoke alarms to blaring fire alarms with lights and sound. Having these alarms in proper working order is a must so that your building and those inside are protected. Unfortunately, fire alarms can go off when there is no fire, which leads to chaos in the building as well as the fire department showing up to assist. What can you do to prevent false fire alarms?

Check the Sensitivity Levels

One way to prevent a false alarm is to check the sensitivity levels of the alarm. Hypersensitivity can easily cause a fire alarm to go off. A detector may go off by sensing heat or smoke, but there is no fire. A fire protection specialist will be able to assist in reviewing your fire alarms, ensuring they are operating within Chicago fire safety codes. They can check the sensitivity level of the system and adjust it to work accordingly without creating false alarms in the future.

Misapplication Issues

Another reason a fire alarm may go off when it shouldn’t is via misapplication. If a device is placed in the wrong setting, it could go off without a fire present. Take for example a fire alarm placed near a cooking appliance or heating system. The heat in the area could easily cause the alarm to be raised even though a fire is not present.

Alarms should be placed in an area where they can easily detect fire, but not go off when they shouldn’t, avoiding issues with employees, consumers, and the fire department.

If you happen to be remodeling an area where an alarm is located, it is recommended that the alarm is covered temporarily. Renovations can cause alarms to go off unexpectedly. Be sure to remove any covering after the renovations are complete or during off-hours so that a fire can be detected.

Testing and Maintenance

One of the most important steps that can sometimes be overlooked is the testing and maintenance of your fire alarm systems. The best way to prevent a false alarm is to have your systems tested regularly and maintained. All fire alarm systems along with other components like sprinklers and suppression systems must be tested and recertified on a yearly basis. Depending on the type of business, further testing may be required.

When you have your fire alarm tested and maintained, you are ensuring it will work properly when you need it to, without going off unexpectedly. You rely on this system to keep your employees and customers safe, so don’t skimp on testing and maintenance needs. With regular testing, any issues will be detected and repairs can be provided on the spot.

Take care of your fire alarm system so it can take care of you. Follow all fire safety protocols so that you can rest easy knowing your property is protected.