By Fire Safety Expert on Monday, 16 November 2020
Category: General

Fire Safety During the Holidays

Fire Safety During the Holidays

While you’re gearing up for holidays in a different way, one thing never changes. That is you need to keep fire safety in front of your tenants at all times. While they may not be having as large of a gathering as normal, there will still be cooking, Christmas trees and other celebrations. It’s important that as the HOA member, you keep your complex in the know when it deals with Chicago fire safety protocols.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to the holiday season. Don’t be caught in a tricky situation simply because you didn’t prepare. Take these fire safety tips in Chicago into consideration.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when it comes to protecting your family this holiday season. Tragically, many fires happen during this time due to simple things that could have been prevented. Go over fire safety in Chicago with the tenants of your building to ensure everyone is prepared and kept up to date. Check smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide detectors and have your fire inspections done regularly.

If you need help with more fire safety in the Chicago area, be sure to contact Connected Fire. We provide a variety of safety features and maintenance to help you stay up to code, protect your tenants, and prevent a tragedy in your building.