By Fire Safety Expert on Thursday, 17 June 2021
Category: General

Summer Fire Safety Tips for Property Managers

Summer Fire Safety Tips for Property Managers

The summer months are amongst us and with that comes the nice weather, and spending time outdoors. Your tenants will likely be outdoors playing, cooking, and celebrating summer holidays such as the Fourth of July. It is important to send out a community wide notice on fire safety during the summer months. Prior to this notice, always make sure to have professionals such as Connected Fire inspect each unit’s fire extinguisher, sprinklers, and fire alarms. You always want to ensure your property is up to code and following the city laws and ordinances.

During the summer tenants are wanting to grill and be free, children are on break from school and may often be home alone if they are of age. These occurrences can lead to accidental fires if not given the proper safety and knowledge of the community rules. Some, or all, units may have balconies or porches where tenants enjoy their outdoor space. You can begin preventing fires and enforce fire safety by: