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Fire Safety Learning Center

Articles and other information related to fire safety equipment and procedures in Illinois.

Hire a Fire Safety Team for Your Smoke and CO Detector Maintenance


Hire a Fire Safety Team for Your Smoke and CO Detector Maintenance When you are a Chicago building manager or owner, you need to know that your building is not only safe but up to Chicago fire safety standards. While you can try to learn the regulations on your own and keep up with all there is to know, why not consider hiring a safety company that specializes in just that? There are a lot of Chicago municipal codes that must be followed to keep your residents safe and yourself out of trouble. Working with a company such as Connected Fire...

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Spring Fire Safety Checklist


Spring Fire Safety Checklist As a condominium owner in Chicago, it is very important to stay updated on the latest fire safety regulations and to ensure your building is safe. One way to do that is by making sure all your fire safety precautions are in place and working as they should every so often. Since spring is just around the corner, it’s time to do a fire safety check up on your condo. Make sure that your rental property in Chicago is prepared and fire safe with these areas in place. Check Smoke Detectors Remind all your tenants to replace...

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According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the United States Fire Administration (USFA), the presence of smoke detectors in residential structures rose from less than 10% in 1975 to more than 95% in 2000, which coincided with a 50% reduction in the number of home fire deaths over that period of time. The number of homes with smoke detectors has remained consistent since then, with surveys consistently reporting that 95% or more of households report having at least one smoke alarm. Such percentages will no doubt continue, as Illinois, like many states, requires that newly constructed multi-unit dwellings have...

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Requirements for smoke detectors in Chicago condo buildings

For a condo association, you will generally need smoke detectors installed in the following locations: (Refers to common areas only) Stairwells: One unit required at the top of each stairwell.Basement: One unit should be installed in the basement.Electrical Rooms: One unit should be installed to protect these areas.Elevator Rooms: One unit should be installed. The sections of the Chicago Building Code related to smoke detectors are as follows: 13-64-130 Smoke detectors – Location. Not less than one approved smoke detector shall be installed in every single-family residential unit and multiple dwelling units as defined in Chapter 13-56, Sections 13-56-020, 13-56-030 and...

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Municipal Code of Chicago - Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors

Smoke Detectors are covered in Sections 13-64-120 through 13-64-180. Carbon Monoxide Detectors are covered in Section 13-64-190. The Chicago Municipal Code is available online here: http://www.amlegal.com/codes/client/chicago_il/.

  6440 Hits