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Fire Safety Learning Center

Articles and other information related to fire safety equipment and procedures in Illinois.

How to Store Combustible Liquids

flammable liquids

A combustible liquid is one with a flash point of more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, with the flash point being the lowest temperature at which the vapors from a material will ignite. Liquids with a flash point of less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit are technically considered “flammable.” This post will cover both combustible and flammable liquids. The National Fire Protection Agency sets forth rules in NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (“NFPA 30”) to reduce the hazards associated with the storage, handling, and use of combustible and flammable liquids . For an in-depth understanding of how to store combustible liquids,...

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  11845 Hits

Tips for purchasing a security safe

security safe

When you are searching for a new safe to store valuable and important items in your home, there are a number factors to consider, including the type of safe that is appropriate for the items you would like to safeguard. For example, a gun safe is appropriate for firearms but unnecessary for documents like social security cards and birth certificates. In addition to selecting a safe based on its intended use, you may want to take into consideration the following criteria when purchasing a new safe for the storage of your valuables and essential documents. Fire Rating Most safes have a...

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  3193 Hits

Understanding Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide detector

What is carbon monoxide poisoning? Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas commonly found in combustion fumes. Such fumes are created by burning gas, wood, propane, or charcoal. Not surprisingly, carbon monoxide poisoning is caused by breathing in too much carbon monoxide. Inhaling the fumes allows it to build up in your bloodstream, and it replaces the oxygen that your red blood cells need with harmful carbon monoxide molecules. Prolonged exposure to this odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas can lead to severe damage to one’s tissue and brain, and it can even lead to death. Carbon monoxide symptoms & signs Due to...

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Protect your condo before your next vacation

condominium fire

Many condominium owners have an action plan to follow in the case that their home catches fire while they are at the property. But what happens if your condo unit catches fire while you’re not there? Do you have a plan of action for that scenario? When leaving your home unattended for several days at a time, it is important to have a plan in place to help protect your residence. You do things like tell your neighbor that you really trust that you’ll be out of town. You might hire a house or dog sitter to keep an eye on...

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  2567 Hits

Learn about portable fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers
Class A fire symbol
Class A pictogram
Class B fire symbol
Class B pictogram
Class C fire symbol
Class C pictogram
Class D fire symbol
Class D pictogram
Class K fire symbol
Class K pictogram

  Purchasing a new portable fire extinguisher for your home or business can be a daunting task if you don’t know much about extinguishers.  Different extinguishers are designed to combat specific types and sizes of fires. Do you know what type of extinguisher would work best for protecting a fireplace, versus which would work best for a kitchen grease fire? This review of the different types of fire extinguishers will help you to determine which one works best for you. Types of Fires The first concept to understand is that there are different classes, or types, of fires. Fire classifications are...

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  10971 Hits