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Fire Safety Learning Center

Articles and other information related to fire safety equipment and procedures in Illinois.
At Connected Fire, we are passionate about fire safety. Our hope is that the information provided through this blog will help you protect your property, residents and business. Please feel free to email any questions that you may have to support@connectedfire.com and we'd be happy to help.

Are You Keeping Up With Fire Safety Reports?


Are You Keeping Up With Fire Safety Reports? As a HOA associate or even a business owner, your fire safety reports in Chicago are critical to your company. You must know where they are at all times as it can mean the difference in a lawsuit or insurance coverage. By working with the team at Connected Fire, you can know exactly where all your reports are and ensure your property is being safe. Here are some great advantages of the fire safety portal that Connected Fire provides to those who utilize their services. If you’re looking for easier ways to take...

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  1585 Hits

Fire Prevention: Do You Know the Most Common Cause of Fire Within Your Industry?

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Fire Prevention: Do You Know the Most Common Cause of Fire Within Your Industry? As a business owner, you take great pride in following Chicago fire safety protocols to ensure that your business is operating in a safe and secure manner. You want to protect your employees as well as customers. To further provide protections, have you researched common causes of fire within your industry? Depending on the type of business you operate, you will be at risk in certain areas. Getting to know common causes based on industry can help you further prepare employees and the facility in the event...

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  1594 Hits

Failing To Comply To Fire Safety? Here’s What You Could Face


Failing To Comply To Fire Safety? Here’s What You Could Face When it comes to Chicago fire safety, this is taken very seriously. For condo owners and home association boards, it’s vital that you understand what this could mean for you. When a condo does not follow compliance with their fire safety protocols, there could be major repercussions. Taken To Court If a fire happens to break out in your building and a person is injured or killed, you could face a lawsuit due to negligence. You may not even realize it but as a board member, you can be held...

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  1604 Hits

Summer Fire Safety Tips

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Summer Fire Safety Tips When it comes to enjoying the summer, you want to do so safely with your family and friends. As a property owner, you want to ensure your tenants are safe and enjoying all that summer has to offer. By working with Connected Fire, you can ensure your building is safe and also provide summer fire safety tips. Keeping fire safety in Chicago your number one priority helps to keep your tenants and your building from a tragedy. Here are a few tips to keep in mind this summer as you enjoy the break. Fireworks Summer and fireworks...

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  1784 Hits

Top Causes of Fires in the Home


Top Causes of Fires in the Home Whether you live in an apartment building, condo or residential home, fire should be a concern. A fire can take place at any time and wreak havoc on the home, as well as cause injury and death. By learning more about common causes of fires in the home and Chicago fire safety protocols to follow, you can keep yourself, as well as family and friends safe. Over the past few years, the National Fire Protection Association has issued reports that detail the main reasons for fires in the home. In a residential setting, there...

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  1793 Hits