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Fire Safety Learning Center

Articles and other information related to fire safety equipment and procedures in Illinois.
At Connected Fire, we are passionate about fire safety. Our hope is that the information provided through this blog will help you protect your property, residents and business. Please feel free to email any questions that you may have to support@connectedfire.com and we'd be happy to help.

What to Know About Fire Safety in Apartments in Chicago

apartment kitchen

What to Know About Fire Safety in Apartments in Chicago There are certain aspects of fire safety in Chicago that you need to know if you rent an apartment. There are before, during, and after steps that you should keep in mind at all times whether you’re in a condominium or a home. These steps can mean the difference in everyone getting out safely or a tragedy taking place. If you’re in the HOA at your condo or you’re a tenant, these are important factors to keep in the forefront of your mind at all times. Before the Fire Starts Make...

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Fire Safety Service Reports: Why Do You Need Them?

condo architecture

Fire Safety Service Reports: Why Do You Need Them? As a Chicago building owner or HOA supervisor, it is important to ensure the safety of all your residents in your building. That means making sure all fire safety standards are met and are kept up throughout the year. Fire safety in Chicago means more than changing out batteries in your smoke alarms or making sure that there are fire extinguishers in the building. It involves a myriad of other tasks and knowing that you have taken every step to stay in compliance is critical. One of those steps is a fire...

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How to Create a Fire Safety Plan


How to Create a Fire Safety Plan Whether you have children or not, it’s important to have a fire safety plan in place at all times. Living in a Chicago condominium can give you a few obstacles that a single-family home would not. That is why it is very important to keep your fire safety knowledge in Chicago up to date and a plan in place at all times. Here are a few ways to keep you safe and sound from a fire breaking out and what to do if it ever does. What is a Fire Safety Plan? This plan...

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Reasons Your Fire Extinguisher Could Fail and How to Prevent It


Reasons Your Fire Extinguisher Could Fail and How to Prevent It A portable fire extinguisher is a first line of defense when a fire breaks out in your property. If it is a smaller fire such as a grease fire on the stove or a grill fire, these can mean the difference between a massive amount of damage and a small amount contained to the one area. As a property owner, you should know there are several things to do to your fire extinguisher to make sure your fire safety in Chicago is taken care of. Blockage in Hose If there’s...

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Summer Fire Safety Checklist


Summer Fire Safety Checklist With summer in full swing, you’re most likely either on vacation or planning one really soon. Before you head out on a vacation with your family, make sure to go over your summer fire safety checklist. This will help you to be Chicago fire safe when you’re in your apartment and when you’re away. Make sure to have these items listed below checked off on a regular basis. If you notice something throughout your monthly check, be sure to address it with your HOA or management company. Do not leave fire safety in Chicago till later. It...

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