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Fire Safety Learning Center

Articles and other information related to fire safety equipment and procedures in Illinois.
At Connected Fire, we are passionate about fire safety. Our hope is that the information provided through this blog will help you protect your property, residents and business. Please feel free to email any questions that you may have to support@connectedfire.com and we'd be happy to help.

Requirements for carbon monoxide detectors in Chicago condo buildings

For a condo association, you will need a carbon monoxide detector installed in any room containing a heating unit that utilizes fossil fuel. (Refers to common areas only) For example, if your building has a centralized heating system that uses coal, natural gas, kerosene, oil, propane or wood as fuel, a carbon monoxide detector will be required in the same room as the heating system. The sections of the Chicago Building Code related to carbon monoxide detectors (that affect condo associations) are as follows: 13-64-280 Carbon monoxide detectors – Buildings heated by central fossil fuel powered heating unit. In every building...

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  3658 Hits

Requirements for smoke detectors in Chicago condo buildings

For a condo association, you will generally need smoke detectors installed in the following locations: (Refers to common areas only) Stairwells: One unit required at the top of each stairwell.Basement: One unit should be installed in the basement.Electrical Rooms: One unit should be installed to protect these areas.Elevator Rooms: One unit should be installed. The sections of the Chicago Building Code related to smoke detectors are as follows: 13-64-130 Smoke detectors – Location. Not less than one approved smoke detector shall be installed in every single-family residential unit and multiple dwelling units as defined in Chapter 13-56, Sections 13-56-020, 13-56-030 and...

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Municipal Code of Chicago - Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors

Smoke Detectors are covered in Sections 13-64-120 through 13-64-180. Carbon Monoxide Detectors are covered in Section 13-64-190. The Chicago Municipal Code is available online here: http://www.amlegal.com/codes/client/chicago_il/.

  6487 Hits

Chicago building codes related to emergency lights

The City of Chicago has specific codes regarding emergency egress sign-age (what products may be used and where these products must be placed). These codes are covered in section 13-160 of the Chicago Municipal Code. The City of Chicago has the following requirements for exit signs: Signs must be rectangular 20 gauge sheet metal box with a glass or plastic faceSigns must be red lettering on whiteThe letters and arrows of exit signs and exit sign/emergency light combos are MANDATED to be red.Directional Arrows are beneath the sign lettering and are the same width as the letteringAll Exits Signs need to...

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Servicing requirements for emergency lighting in Chicago

Emergency lighting is comprised of lights, illuminated exit signs and combination units providing an exit sign and a lighting system. These lighting systems are designed to provide residents with illumination in the case of emergency, such as a power outage. Due to this, these systems utilize a battery, which must be fully tested on an annual basis. The technician must run the lights, from the battery, for a period of at least 90 minutes. Upon completion of the test, a maintenance label is adhered to the side of the unit to record the date of the successful test.

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