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Fire Safety Learning Center

Articles and other information related to fire safety equipment and procedures in Illinois.

Spring Fire Safety Checklist


Spring Fire Safety Checklist As a condominium owner in Chicago, it is very important to stay updated on the latest fire safety regulations and to ensure your building is safe. One way to do that is by making sure all your fire safety precautions are in place and working as they should every so often. Since spring is just around the corner, it’s time to do a fire safety check up on your condo. Make sure that your rental property in Chicago is prepared and fire safe with these areas in place. Check Smoke Detectors Remind all your tenants to replace...

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Understanding Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide detector

What is carbon monoxide poisoning? Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas commonly found in combustion fumes. Such fumes are created by burning gas, wood, propane, or charcoal. Not surprisingly, carbon monoxide poisoning is caused by breathing in too much carbon monoxide. Inhaling the fumes allows it to build up in your bloodstream, and it replaces the oxygen that your red blood cells need with harmful carbon monoxide molecules. Prolonged exposure to this odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas can lead to severe damage to one’s tissue and brain, and it can even lead to death. Carbon monoxide symptoms & signs Due to...

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Requirements for carbon monoxide detectors in Chicago condo buildings

For a condo association, you will need a carbon monoxide detector installed in any room containing a heating unit that utilizes fossil fuel. (Refers to common areas only) For example, if your building has a centralized heating system that uses coal, natural gas, kerosene, oil, propane or wood as fuel, a carbon monoxide detector will be required in the same room as the heating system. The sections of the Chicago Building Code related to carbon monoxide detectors (that affect condo associations) are as follows: 13-64-280 Carbon monoxide detectors – Buildings heated by central fossil fuel powered heating unit. In every building...

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Municipal Code of Chicago - Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors

Smoke Detectors are covered in Sections 13-64-120 through 13-64-180. Carbon Monoxide Detectors are covered in Section 13-64-190. The Chicago Municipal Code is available online here: http://www.amlegal.com/codes/client/chicago_il/.

  6440 Hits